cPanel - Redirect Print

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Create a Redirect

To create a redirect, please follow these steps −

Step 1 − Click on Redirects found in Domains section of cPanel Home.



Step 2 − Choose your redirect type from the Dropdown Menu, Permanent or Temporary Redirect.



Step 3 − Choose the Domain Name you want to redirect from the Dropdown menu of lists of domain.

Step 4 − In the next textbox, enter the path of page or path of folder you want to redirect.

Step 5 − Enter full URL of the page your domain will be redirected to, in Redirect to textbox. You will also need to specify the protocol as well, http:// or https://.

Step 6 − Select www. redirection, it determines that if you want your domain to be redirected with www or not. Explanations of options given below.

Only redirect with www. − This redirect will be done only if user has entered www. in URL.

Redirect with or without www. − This redirect will always be done, does not depends on whether user has entered www. in URL or not.

Do not redirect www. − This redirect will not work, if the user has entered www. in URL.

Choose your option accordingly, recommended is that you use Redirect with or without www.

Step 7 − Select Wild Card Redirection checkbox, if you want to redirect all files and folders in sub folder to the same file or folder in new domain.

Step 8 − Click on Add button to save the settings.

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